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Lighthouse Brands' Blueprint for Sustainable Growth in the Complex US AlcoBev Market
Sales and Marketing
Jay Frary, founder of Lighthouse Brands, shares insights on brand selection, market entry challenges, and sustainable growth in the competitive U.S. market

How to Manage Your Unsold Inventory
Sales and Marketing
From small town wine shops and liquor stores to regional distributors and international importers – unsold inventory threatens a business’ survival. Learn some creative techniques and strategies for salvaging your investment and making the most of unsold inventory.

Why Importers Need to Know Their Producers?
Bevroute interviewed Alyssa Wolf- owner of Red Wolf Imports about why importers need to know their producers.

How a Boutique Importer Embraced the Natural Wine Movement
Jenny Lefcourt, the founder of Jenny & François Selections talks about introducing natural wines to the New York market, shares advice on how importers can stand out in a competitive marketplace and explains why the market for natural wines has really taken off in recent years.

Q&A with Rob Seddon, Owner of Jackson & Seddon
In an interview with Bevroute, Rob Seddon, Owner of Jackson & Seddon, a UK based wine importer, shares insights about his business, sourcing procedure and targets for the next 12 months.

How to Win Retailers and Influence Them
Dale Carnegie shared his tips on how to make friends in 1936 and some of his principles are just as relevant today as they were many decades ago. What works to win over retailers in today’s market though? To find out, we speak with Stephen Fahy, Sales Director and Senior Buyer at the Wine Library.